Secure Voice Software Features

Cell Phone Spying: Is Your Life Being Monitored?!

Eavesdroppers, governmental bodies, and hackers are all out there - but you can prevent them from accessing your private life. Our voice encryption software will help you to protect all your phone calls from interception.
Click on the "Play" button below to listen to a conversation intercepted by a GSM network operator between two cell phones (both were using Secure Voice GSM software).

(Depending on your Internet connection speed the load time before the record starts to play will vary. If the record does not start, you may download it here).

Secure Voice GSM: User Interface

Secure Voice GSM has intuitive interface, works reliably in the background and uses very little system resources. Some software screenshots can be seen below.
secure voice
1. Main application screen: you can either enter a phone number manually or select one from the phone's contact list
secure voice establishing connection
2. By pressing the dial button the Secure Voice GSM software starts to establish a secure connection with another cell phone (installed Secure Voice GSM is required).
secure voice authentication
3. Once connected, the authentication process starts.
secure voice private key exchange
4. Once authentication is successful, the key exchanging process begins.
voice encryption is active
5. Encrypted connection is established successfully. You may now start your conversation in secure mode!

Secure Voice GSM: Technical Data

Voice encryption algorithm: AES 256/AES256 or ARC4;
Key exchange algorithm: Diffie-Hellman 4096;
Call authentication algorithm: RSA 1024 key;
Voice compression: AMR-NB 4.75 Kbps;
Voice encryption encoding: End-to-end, Full-duplex;
Roaming support: Yes;
Man in the middle protection: Yes.
Please make sure that the Data Call (CSD) facility is enabled on your SIM card, otherwise the Secure Voice GSM software will not work.


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